
Ordered goods can be paid by cash on delivery (only for orders in Croatia), by payment to the company's account, and by credit card: Visa, MasterCard or Diners. It is also possible to pay via PayPal service.

Credit card payments are processed via our partner T-Com and their PayWay system that provides safe and secure online credit card transactions. This method of payment is recommended by card issuers (Visa, MasterCard, Diners ..) it works reliably in practice and the researches proves it safer than traditional credit card payments (i.e. at a restaurant or a store).
Kešidov web-store does not preserve, nor even get the information about the actual numbers of your credit card.

Declaration of Security
T-Com Pay Way applies the most modern standards of data protection - Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol with 128 bit encryption and MD5 algorithm. ISO 8583 protocol ensures that data exchange between T-Com system and the authorization centres of credit card companies is done in a private network that is protected from unauthorized access by dual layer firewall.

Conversion statement
Regardless of the chosen currency of payment, all billing on T-Com PayWay is done in HRK, and banks and credit card companies carry out internal currency conversion at their own rate.
On PayPal system, the billing is done in EUR.